19C. Arab Sword Saif, Zanzibar (?) - 12492

A very unusual and interesting Arab sword, also known as Saif. It reminds the famous Moroccan Nimcha, but although the hilt style is similar, this sword is coming from the South Arabian peninsula, and it is believed to be produced in the island of Zanzibar in the 19th C. The single edge curved blade is 30 inches long. The grip is cut and beautifully shaped from a solid piece of black horn with w silver collar and silver “star” inserts on the pommel. The hilt is of unusual design and has a big steel ring forged in one piece with the cross guard and the “D” guard. Total length 37 inches. Very good condition. Very good untouched and homogenous patina on the blade. No scabbard. The attribution to Zanzibar comes from the characterized design of the hilt but we could not find any substantiation to it.
