Good Heavy 17 C. Kastane Sword Sri-Lanka - 8432

The Kastane is the national sword of Sri-Lanka. It is characterized by its short curved blade, usually of mediocre quality and highly decorative hilt and scabbard. Here we have a good early example, late 17 to early 18 C. with an18 inches steel blade, thick and heavier than usual and of better quality than found on later Kastane swords. . All hilt parts are of great decorative values – A piece of art by itself: The dark hardwood grip with a monster styled pommel and engraved brass collar. The monster styled quillons the D guard and the langet all inlaid with gold and silver and beautifully executed. Total length 23 inches. Very good condition to age Good age patina on the blade with moderate pitted spots. An unusually early decorative piece at a very attractive price. |