Good Old Khybar Sword (Salawar Yatagan) - 6828
The Khaybar sword (Also Known as Salawar Yatagan) is the common side arm of the Afrids people residing in the area of the Khaybar pass between Pakistan and Afghanistan. It is easily recognized by its straight blade, pronounce T spine cross section and tapering tip. This one has a heavy 17 inches long blade. The grips are of dark colored horn with a bird like pommel. Brass bolsters and grip strap. The scabbard is wood, covered with black hide and mounted with brass and copper chape and scabbard rings that were added during the life time of the sword. The scabbard mouh is bound with a red fabric tape. This sword comes with a very nice baldric attachment made of wool. Very good condition. Minor dents to the scabbard mounts. Beautiful and very impressive item. |